Pil’s Adventures
Pil is a young orphan living in the medieval city of Misty Rock. One day, Tristain, the cruel regent curses Roland, heir of the thrones and changes him into a “chickat” (half chicken, half cat). To save Roland and the kingdom, Pil embarks in a quest for the antidote. Graubart, a clumsy guard with a good heart, Chuckly, a young loony jester, and her three teamed weasels come along. From the Cursed Forest to the Were-unicorn’s lair, Pil and her unlikely companions will live the greatest adventure. And find the family they never had.
- Open Mon-Fri 14.00-22.30 ; Sat-Sun 11.00-22.30
- cinamonkino.com/t1/en
- General information about the films and session times: 16113 (Cost for the call: 0,45 EUR + operator fee)
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