30 days left
30 jours max
Rayane is a fearful and clumsy young cop who has been enduring the continuous mockery of his colleagues for years. When his doctor (mistakenly) announces to him that he has only 30 days left to live, everything changes and his bucket list will take him on a crazy journey full of surprises: After days of debauchery in Las Vegas, he realizes that taking down a drug trafficking network will be his last chance to impress his love Stéphanie and eventually become the hero he always wanted to be.
- Open Mon-Fri 14.00-22.30 ; Sat-Sun 11.00-22.30
- cinamonkino.com/t1/en
- General information about the films and session times: 16113 (Cost for the call: 0,45 EUR + operator fee)
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