Exhibition “Seisak” by EKA Product Design Master’s students
We live in a functional world where purpose creates form and experience is being left in the background. But what do our memories feed on? The exhibition “Seisak” by Product Design Master’s students is an invitation to the table. Let’s take a moment to think about where to go from here.
The first-year Master’s students of Product Design at Estonian Academy of Arts invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Seisak”, taking place on 21 December at 5 pm at T1 Mall of Tallinn, just before the holidays and the end of the year. The exhibition is part of the subject “Experimental Form and System”. The event can also be found on Facebook and on the artun website.
Exhibition concept: Annika Emilia Viigand, Ester Sall, Natalja Gummenik, Piibe Tomp, Taaniel Reimers, Teele Kumm.
Supervisors: Heikki Zoova, Mihkel-Emil Mikk.
The exhibition will be open to visitors until 30 January.
The exhibition is located at T1 Mall of Tallinn (Peterburi tee 2), immediately to the left when taking the escalator to the second floor from the entrance on Tartu mnt.